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Client Love

"Melissa is a gentle spirit. Her loving guidance has helped turn the key for me unlatching wisdom and insight from within. Studying with her has not only enlightened my path but has reassured me that it's the right one. Melissa rocks!" - Claudia


"Melissa’s insight has brought me peace that I never thought possible. I look forward to continued work with Melissa to find deeper meaning into my life and it’s purpose. If you’re wondering if she can help you, the answer is yes!!!" - Jennifer

"I had struggled with depression for many years on my own, not wanting to rely on medication for relief. I had gotten to the point where I couldn't do it on my own anymore. Therapy left me feeling even more down after each session and prescriptions left me feeling sick. I turned to Melissa for the natural approach I was looking for. I felt much needed relief and was given the tools I needed to turn my life around with one of her healing packages. It was well worth the investment and I now see her as needed for reiki sessions. I will admit, I was skeptical in the beginning, but I am now a believer and highly recommend her to everyone." - Sara


"I wholeheartedly recommend Melissa to anyone who is seeking guidance and understanding of themselves and those around them. After participating in a Reiki training, my life was forever changed. I went on to participate in the soul realignment program, which gave me so much insight into myself and empowered me to make some big changes in my life. Melissa has provided on-going support with her intuitive gifts and coaching through one-on-one phone calls. After each phone call, I feel so calm with a new perspective about my life and my choices. Her ability to communicate in such a kind accepting manner allows me to feel rejuvenated emotionally and spiritually. I recently started the Embody Love Program and look forward to completing any and all programs offered by Melissa because I can say with every ounce of my being- it is worth it! I am forever grateful for Melissa, her gifts, and her ability and willingness to guide others." - Elisa

"I have accomplished so much since I first found Melissa. I feel more at peace than I ever have been, more present in my own body, and just more "myself." I also have seen my boundaries develop naturally over the course of our work together, because my self-respect has also grown. Working with Melissa is magical!" - Mary


"My phone readings with Melissa helped me both reveal and confirm my own intuitions about major life changes as they were happening so that I didn't get bogged down in questioning myself. She helped me understand aspects of my family relationships and my life that were hard to notice from within the situation, and these revelations are fueling positive movement forward. Thank you!" - Cortney

"Melissa is simply incredible! I've been working with her for a few years now and she is a huge influence and support in my life. I've taken her Reiki 1 & 2, Master Reiki, Monthly Coaching and most recently a Soul Realignment and Akashic record reading. If you're feeling called to dive deeper into your spiritual journey, healing journey or to feel more empowered in your everyday life, then I highly suggest working with Melissa! You will not be disappointed! ❤️❤️❤️❤️" - Sausha Davis


"My recent age regression session with Melissa was amazing. I got closure for some past issues and received loving messages from my higher self and spirit guides. Since I found Melissa last spring my life has improved so much and just continues to do so. I am looking forward to more experiences with her in the future. I am especially excited to try the Soul Realignment." - Chris

Embody Love Online Masterclass Review:

"This program is everything! Melissa put her heart and soul into Embody Love. Embody love has given me the tools and the courage to continue to grow, heal, and fully live my happiest life every single day! I would recommend this program to anyone and everyone. If you are willing to put in the work by showing up for yourself, you will receive and grow so much from this!" - Kylie


"I received insights, clarity, confirmations and inspirations from my incredibly intuitive and talented healer sister Melissa Asteya, newly crowned as a Soul Realignment Practitioner! This type of reading/healing is based off of your Akashic Records and offers powerful insight into your power centers, strengths and any afflictions carried into or created in this life. This is not only a reading and a healing, it is a wake up call! I highly recommend her if you are interested in learning more about your DIVINE GIFTS! Thank you sweet beauty for the gift of your incredible magic!!! I'm engaging life with new awareness and stepping more powerfully into my strengths!" - Tracy

"Melissa gives a gentle guidance towards clarity. I've called her when I need an answer and am looking for direction. She is able to guide me so I am able to know and feel what I want, need and what is right for me. Her intuitive reading is always right on. She's a true blessing. Thank you!!!" - Lisa


"An amazing experience. Melissa told me things about myself that there is no way she could have known, and I, admittedly, was a little creeped out. Immediately after those first few minutes, Melissa began speaking of ways I needed to heal, and I found myself connected to the words she was saying and feeling at ease. Peaceful. We did some work with visualization and breathing next, and each time I repeat the same exercises on my own, I am filled with warmth and remembrances of my time with Melissa. The end of my private session was spent on Reiki. It felt so connected to most every modern representation of faith, and like an ancient mantra all at the same time. I called a friend of mine to talk to her right after my session, because I needed someone to help me process the intensely beautiful experience I had. I am convinced the beauty in the universe works through Melissa... they have chosen this woman as an instrument for healing and hope I am grateful to have been able to experience it." - Erin Webber-Dreeszen

"This is the first contact I've had with Melissa. What a wonderful experience. She is a very intuitive, caring and helpful person. Can't wait to do my homework! And get another appointment soon!" - Cindy


"I was very skeptical of talking to a medium. I didn’t think a complete stranger that I found over the internet was going to be able to tell me things about my life that I’ve never shared with anyone. It was on my Bucket List to do, so I proceeded with doubt. Talking to Melissa was eye opening but frightening at the same time. Melissa told me things that my grandma told me while she was in Hospice, things that I’ve never shared with anyone else. Melissa also asked me about things that I’ve experienced but didn’t understand. For example, whenever I cleaned my house, I would find dimes and nickels behind picture frames, by my TV, in my makeup case, even at work in my shoe! Melissa told me that my grandma kept showing her dimes and nickels. Melissa had no idea that for the last 3 years change has been haunting me. I quickly put it all together and was amazed she mentioned it. There are many other things Melissa mentioned and talked about that was dead on. I would recommend her to anyone and I’m blessed to have had an experience with her. Melissa told me many things I needed to hear in order to grow and move on with my life!" - Ashley O'Connor

"After seeing Melissa my mind and my heart have been reminded of a deeper level of feeling, loving, and living! My first experience with Melissa was a spiritual reading. I left our appointment with tears in my eyes but a weight lifted off my heart! I have always considered myself a spiritual person but listening to her messages has enhanced my spirituality to a new level. Her gift is truly amazing and her presence is peaceful. Her life coaching has also melded with my life and has become a part of my daily prayer and meditation. My time with Melissa has been so meaningful and powerful! I am looking forward to more." - Chris


"I just experienced the most amazing intuitive reading by phone with Melissa Asteya. Absolutely phenomenal. She was immediately able to feel my energy and knew exactly what I needed to hear to overcome obstacles in my life and grow as a more positive individual. It was straight soulful talk. I recommend anyone who needs true divine guidance in their life full of love and light to contact her and make an appt. We all need help in life at times and today I feel lighter and that much more motivated and positive from our phone conversation. I am already focusing and putting the messages in action. We have the power to change as individuals and evolve everyday of our life. It's our choice on how fast and which direction we go!!!" - Whitney

"I had a past life regression session with Melissa. What an amazing experience! With Melissa's gentle coaching, I was able to access memories and feelings from a prior life that have affected my current life and caused my progress to stall. During the session I accessed memories that affect my current difficulties with weight, feelings that I had lost a child, and relationships with two people in this life. Resolution was not immediate, but continues as I keep listening to the recording that Melissa provided and hearing more and more truths. Would I do this again? Absolutely!!!" - Terry


"I have to say that Reiki has definitely changed my life. I have taken Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki ART/Master and each time is an awesome unique experience. It's an awesome way to get yourself centered and grounded and breathing right again. Sharing this amazing experience with others fills me full of gratitude. I use Reiki everyday. It can help me or others with aches and pains, with healing past or present experiences. You can even use it to help heal the world. Thank you so much for bringing this joyous amazing thing called Reiki into my life! I now have a whole new outlook. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. Namaste!" - Angela

"My son who is 5 is non verbal and has a lot of built up frustration and anxiety. Because he can not verbally express what he wants, needs, or is feeling he would get mad and have horrible tantrums. After learning about Reiki and how it relaxes the body I thought it would be worth trying! I am so glad we did! She has made a huge difference in my sons life. He is able to cope with his frustrations much better and his tantrums want from lasting 5 minutes to about 1-2 minutes. He doesn't seem nearly as anxious and much more relaxed. He has always been a happy kid but now he really seems to enjoy things more because he can relax. I have also seen an improvement in his speech. After his last Reiki session we went directly to speech therapy. During that therapy session he verbalized the "k" sound. And he said it more than once. His speech teacher was so impressed, as the "k" sound is a hard one to teach and learn. I know that Reiki has helped his brain relax so he is able to focus, rather than be frustrated! I am so happy to have found Melissa! She continues to help my son and look forward to many more sessions with her!" - Amy Branaugh


"My first session with Melissa was very revealing and she hit some very valid points which helped give me clarity and a better understanding of issues I have been struggling with for some time. I also sought Melissa for regression therapy which I found to be extremely healing and have since gained a new sense of freedom, easiness and feel I am more able to let go, love and simply live without constantly fretting about truly senseless concerns. Lastly, the REIKI sessions have probably been the most beneficial to my daily health! I feel the constant heaviness I had been carrying has been released. I have also noticed that two injuries that I have been receiving (outside) physical therapy for have started to dissipate (and I didn’t even mention those pains to her)! Overall, I feel great and will definitely continue seeing Melissa to help me continue to gain clarity in my life and to further enlighten me to the spiritual world." - Holly

"Melissa did a wonderful job! She helped me overcome past traumas in an intuitive reading over the phone. She is kind, helpful, professional, and compassionate. Her readings are very accurate. She made me feel very comfortable. Her spiritual gift is genuine. She was able to uncover the most impactful events in my life without prior knowledge. I recommend her because of her genuine desire to help. I will be scheduling an appointment for my brother so he can experience this. ❤️" - Liliana R.


"I had the pleasure of sharing the weekend with Melissa and six other women for her Divine Feminine workshop. Melissa took us through meditations, yoga poses and enlightening discussions. I had a few breakthrough moments during that workshop and even my husband saw positive changes in my behavior afterwards. Melissa creates a soft, peaceful and calming environment amid a world that is sometimes overwhelmingly stressful and loud. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who needs to de-stress and take a time out from their busy life." - Nicole Brandt

Hello Beautiful!

I'm Melissa Asteya. Professional Intuitive, Hypnotherapist, Embody Love Coach, Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, & Soul Realignment Practitioner dedicated to compassionately empowering your journey!

Melissa Asteya

"I truly believe in the power of prenatal hypnosis as a way to calm your mind, center your body and shift the pains of contractions to positive energy. I was SO calm throughout the majority of my labor and active labor...even dozing off while in a rocking chair about 30 minutes before I gave birth to my sweet baby girl. It's an amazing feeling to be able to experience so much control and have so much power over your body by using your mind! Hypnosis with Melissa helped me to have the labor I wanted and would strongly encourage her sessions to anyone." - Gretchen

"What an amazing, gifted, and loving person Melissa is. Super helpful and so much insight was gained during my session with her. I'm so very thankful to have had the opportunity to speak with her today. I feel more grounded and sure of myself. Everything I was looking for!" - D.M.


"I have been to Melissa several times for Reiki and once for Life Coaching. Everyone has been a very positive experience. The Life Coaching helped me deal with some long past abandonment issues from my past and let go of the beliefs and move forward in the relationship with my wife." - Robert Berger

"Over the last 5 years I've had several Reiki sessions with various practitioners. I was intrigued by Reiki Sound healing and recently had my first Reiki Sound healing session with Melissa. The experience with Melissa was wonderful. Her ability to guide me through the process allowed me to experience a release I've not felt before in other sessions. It also allowed me to process a lot of past pain that I had been holding. Throughout the session I was able to relax and felt very clear headed both during and after the session. It was an amazing experience and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for another level of Reiki healing." - A. Snyder


"We brought Melissa to Northeast Community College for one of our Student Activities events. We had such a great turnout that some students waited in line for over 2 hours to see her. Every student walked out with that same amazed and impressed expression on their face, and when I asked them if it was worth the wait they all said yes! Word spread quickly across campus of how accurate she was and students have already been requesting for her to come back this year! It was a pleasure working with Melissa and her passion for what she does was inspiring. I look forward to working with her again in the future and would recommend everyone have her do a reading for you." - Carissa, Northeast Community College Activites Coordinator

"I came to Melissa needing help and not really knowing the underlying issues. Within minutes of just talking she pinpointed the issue and knew how to work on it. I came in expecting great things and those expectations were met and wildly exceeded. She is probably the most trustworthy, intuitive, and compassionate person I have ever met. I came out feeling energized, alive, and ready to move forward. I highly recommend Melissa, she has a gift." - T. Zeller


"This is my second reading I have had with Melissa. Her information is extremely clear, direct and helpful. She immediately tuned in and received information concerning the areas in which I had come for guidance. If further clarification was needed, she was able to do that as well. The information is shared in a gentle and appropriate way. I have had many readings throughout the years by many different and well known people. Melissa rates as one of the best and her price is very reasonable." - Mary

"My path with Melissa has crossed several times. Melissa has guided me through Reiki I & II training, yoga and meditation classes, readings and hypnosis. Melissa is an immensely talented intuitive, as well as sensitive counselor. Her readings are accurate, gentle, thoughtful and loving. She has helped me at several turning points in my life to understand and prepare for the changes ahead. I am grateful that Melissa is in my life and able to share her amazing gifts with me!" - Ashton Blaha


"I am so grateful for Melissa and the guidance and information I received through her during my Reading. I admit, I was nervous about it, but my fears were allayed less than one minute into the Reading. I left feeling so much lighter, sure of myself, and protected. I cannot recommend Melissa’s Readings highly enough. I’ve already told a lot of my friends and family about it, and based on my experience, they are making appointments, too! If you are even remotely considering a Reading, do it! You will not regret it!" - Jamie

"I experienced a profound sense of peace and acceptance during Melissa's new Reiki Sound Healing session. I am also a Reiki practitioner so energy is not new to me. But the addition of Sound was profound! Melissa has a beautiful connection to Spirit through chants and audible prayer. The healing comes in layers each day since my session. Incredible!" - Julie Moore


"I had some issues from my past that I couldn't quite let go of such as hurt, anger, pain and frustration. Melissa with her precious gift has helped me find the peace that I so desperately needed. She has given me tools to help me daily in everything I do. She has changed my whole outlook on my life for the better. I am so thankful that I found out about her and did this hypnotherapy, I will never regret one minute of it." - Cathy

"Melissa has the ability to tap into the limitless knowledge of the universe. Open your mind and heart and prepare yourself for amazement. She has the ability to bring clarity, when ones life is shrouded in clouds." - Steve


"Melissa has a very gentle and healing energy. She has helped me look at areas of the mind and memory that can help me heal the body and heart. Thank you!" - Cindy

"Wow, Melissa has guided me through a dark time in my life. I am now in a wonderful, enlightened world. Melissa's healing is simple; it's a matter of energy, love, and thought process that she guides to. Through her Reiki session, guided meditation and gift of insight, I have found love, peace, and joy. Many THANKS, Melissa." - Lisa


"Melissa is jaw dropping talented... you’ll leave with goosebumps and spirits that are lifted... Like a brand new person out to conquer the world. She is nothing less than a master at everything she does... Any experience with Melissa will be unforgettable..." - Danielle

Embody Love Online Masterclass Review:

"I just got done with the Embody Love Program with Melissa. It was amazing! I have so much more insight about myself now. Each week we dove deeper into different practices of being mindful. These healing meditations have opened me up to a new way of thinking. Thank you, Melissa!" - Alice


"Melissa is an amazing intuitive person to work and consult with. She is extremely gifted and sensitive to the needs of her clients and a very talented and dedicated teacher." - Julie Hlas

"I met Melissa many years ago and over the course of the next several I was able to experience and receive her many amazing gifts including yoga, Reiki, and intuitive healing. Then life changes and distance separated us until recently when we were able to connect again. And the session with Melissa was most timely and unbelievably healing. I am in awe of her ability and gift to take one to the origin of so many thoughts, emotions, and feelings that get in our way. Gratitude forever, Melissa!" - Mary


"Melissa’s insight has brought me peace that I never thought possible. I look forward to continued work with Melissa to find deeper meaning into my life and it’s purpose. If you’re wondering if she can help you, the answer is yes!!!" - Jennifer

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