Who would benefit from a PLR?
PLR Hypnosis is not something that is done to you or for you. It is not a procedure, but rather, it is an empowerment tool and a process of healing and growth. Those who are willing and open to activity put in the work throughout and after the session will benefit most. Think of PLR as a process and not as something you will be able to access/obtain/have a life changing shift from just one session. It is like building a muscle and the more you access the information and tie in the pieces the more benefit you obtain. It is important to have realistic expectations and I will be there as guide, following you with the appropriate tools, resources and insight in order to apply it to your life.
How do I know if these are real memories or just my imagination?
Any information that comes from the subconscious mind (without allowing the conscious logical mind to intervene and process) surfaces for a reason. It does not matter if they are real memories or imagined memories as long as they are helpful to you in your current life.
What kind of information comes up?
Information from PLR Hypnosis is based on every individual's perception of information. Some clients will get intuitive messages (inner knowing) or auditory information, others will experience vivid images, colors, symbols; others will have a more kinesthetic response and will be able to experience bodily sensations and feelings. The amount and intensity of retrieval depends on the depth of relaxation and willingness to enter into a deeply relaxed state of hypnosis. If someone has practiced meditation/hypnosis/had previous PLR sessions, they may be able to go deeper and experience movie like scenes that are a dream like state. With more and more practice, clients can go into trance quicker and they can deeply experience the sessions rather than be observers.